Code of ethics

Acting with integrity

Grain’s mission is to help businesses become champions for people and the planet. We exist to help make this world a better place. We are open, optimistic, curious and determined. We work with honesty, respect, accountability, compassion, and integrity.

Our own ethical and fair conduct is essential to ensure that our work benefits a wide range of stakeholders from clients to consultants, local community to nonprofits, governments to wider populations and planetary ecosystems.

When making difficult and complex decisions, we return to our company’s mission and balancing the needs of all stakeholders, using frameworks like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Doughnut Economics as guiding lights.

Specifically, our Code of Ethics supports SDG Target 16.3 (Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all) and SDG Target 16.5 (Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms).

We value transparency and openness when communicating internally and externally, while respecting non-disclosure agreements for confidential information, and we handle data and privacy according to GDPR. This Code of Ethics applies to the way we conduct our own marketing and advertising and how we deal with all stakeholders.

Our aim is to exceed expectations in terms of professionalism and going beyond basic compliance with the law, guidelines or regulations. We act in accordance with the UK Bribery Act (2010) and declare any business entertainment or gifts with HMRC. Any entertainment or gifts given or received must not exceed a value of £25 or the appropriate equivalent in other countries. We do not give or accept entertainment or gifts that could raise concerns about our integrity and independence. Under no circumstances will we give or receive lavish or ethically questionable entertainment or gifts.

All Grain consultants, whether employed or independent, have agreed to work to these standards. Getting client feedback during and after projects is part of our working process, and any conflicts or complaints can be dealt with during these feedback sessions, and followed up afterwards as necessary. We do not work with companies in the tobacco or firearm industries.

Our non-fiduciary advisory board addresses any specific conflicts or ethical questions during its quarterly meetings.

For any complaints or questions, please contact one of our directors: Christoph Geppert or Madelyn Postman.