Microsoft supplier emissions disclosures

How to comply with Microsoft's supplier emissions disclosures

Are you a supplier for Microsoft? You might need to comply with Microsoft suppliers emissions disclosure requirements :

Grain can work with you to answer these questions.

Four business people having a meeting with charts in background

What are Microsoft's requirements for emissions disclosures?

In January 2020 Microsoft announced a commitment to carbon negative operations by 2030. Within the particulars of this bold announcement were new obligations for Microsoft’s suppliers. 

A new procurement process and tools have been put in place to incentivise their suppliers to reduce their scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, implementing consistent and accurate methods of reporting and pursuing effective progress towards scientifically based targets. 

This objective has now been included in Microsoft’s Supplier Code of Conduct, requiring suppliers to start disclosing scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as well as Carbon Reduction Plans.

Who needs to disclose emissions?

If you are an existing supplier and meet the spend thresholds or other parameters defined by Microsoft, the procurement team at Microsoft will have been in touch with detailed information about disclosure. This year’s cycle began in June with a strict submission deadline of 31 July 2024.

If you are a new supplier to Microsoft, you’ll no doubt be contacted in due course about your obligations for next year.

What are the requirements for disclosure?

Suppliers are required to submit their emissions disclosures online via a dedicated Microsoft Supplier Emissions Portal. 

As of 2024, the disclosure requirements were as follows:

  • Total company emissions for the baseline year 2019 (the most recent “normal” year before COVID-19) and for 2023 (the most recent complete year)
  • Emissions to include Scope 1, Scope 2, and, at minimum, the following Scope 3 categories:
    • 1. Purchased goods and services
    • 6. Business travel
    • 7. Employee commuting
  • 2023 service-level accounting (SLA) emissions, reflecting the proportion of overall company emissions associated with the service.
  • Annual revenue figures
  • Third party assurance letter or consultant statement confirming emissions as Microsoft Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) requires third party assurance

Why work with Grain?

Grain can provide independent third party assurance for previously calculated emissions using our ISO 14064-3 verification process. 

We are deeply experienced in carbon footprinting and can prepare carbon emissions reports for current and historical years along with fully compliant consultant statements. 

We can also support organizations in identifying and calculating service-level emissions as per Microsoft’s service level accounting methodology. 

Get in touch today to see how we can help!

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