Embedding sustainability into further education


Grŵp Llandrillo Menai (GLLM) encompasses three further education colleges in North Wales: Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Wales’ largest further education institution covers nine campuses, employing 2,000 staff and providing vocational and educational skills for 21,000+ students. Grain began working with GLLM in January 2022 to help develop a five-year sustainability strategy aligned with the Grŵp’s purpose and mission to respond to growing demand from the organisation’s stakeholders.

Understanding the material issues

A materiality assessment helped GLLM understand the most significant issues for their organisation. For example, Grain explored emerging trends in the sector and influences such as the Welsh Well-being of Future Generations Act. The review generated a shortlist of potential material topics that stakeholders explored.

Group interviews were conducted with representatives across the organisation, including student groups, the environmental team, and curriculum and governance teams. In addition, 600 of GLLM’s stakeholders received a survey in English and Welsh. During the process, interviewees and respondents identified their priority areas and highlighted several new topics. These findings were summarised into a materiality report, with a visual matrix showing each topic’s importance.

Identifying gaps and opportunities

A gap analysis enabled GLLM to compare its current activities against those of relevant organisations in the sector. The study included net zero ambition and targets and existing environmental sustainability commitments, reporting, and scorecard reporting.

A review of suitable frameworks was completed including the Climate Action roadmap for UK FE colleges. This led to the design of an environmental sustainability framework for the Grŵp. The new framework aligned with its corporate strategy while incorporating the findings of the materiality work and gap analysis. The approach has three focus pillars that reflect the sustainability priorities of the organisation. These include net zero ambitions, curriculum development, and support for employers and communities.

Engaging decision-makers at all levels

Throughout the process, the management team contributed and fed into the discussion, taking different elements into their departmental strategies. Existing initiatives were mapped into the strategic plan, while future activities were mapped out over the mid-term, with corresponding targets. The Grŵp’s Board were engaged at critical points to provide further strategic inputs. It was also important to recognise the work already taking place amid the increasing demand for sustainability. The Board signed off on the final recommendations in November 2023, and the plan is currently under implementation.

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